Redstone Compact Slot Machine

Redstone is an ore you will find down at the bottom of your mines. When you mine it, you will get Redstone Dust, which is what you will need to make redstone circuits. Basic Principles of Redstone. Redstone is all about 'power' &emdash; you can think of it as being a bit like electricity. Slot Machine, Compact and Survival Friendly. Minecraft Vanilla Redstone Slot-Machine 13x12x9 (no Commands) Redstone Device Map.

Redstone Compact Slot Machine Slot

Compact Machines introduces its own combination of Multiblock and in-world crafting mechanics known as Miniaturization Crafting. For more information on how to use this in-game, refer to Miniaturization Field Projector and individual recipes for items. This article is not intended as a tutorial for beginning to use Compact Machines, but is meant as a reference for creating new recipes and editing existing recipes using the Miniaturization Crafting technique. Each recipe is stored in its own JSON format file with a .json extension in the /config/compactmachines3/recipes folder under your modpack instance folder.

  • 1Basic data format

Redstone Compact Slot Machine Gun

Basic data format[edit | edit source]

Object[edit | edit source]

The entire recipe structure in each file begins with { and ends with } which makes up a pair of delimiters for an Object container. White space characters and line breaks are ignored outside of string values.

Key Value[edit | edit source]

The primary data elements in the recipes are a series of Key Value pairs with five basic subtypes. All Key names must be strings enclosed in double quotes 'Key' and followed by a colon :. The comma , is used as a separator between entries in lists of key values and array elements.

The Key's corresponding Value follows the colon and may be one of the following types:

  • string: 'value' where value may include special characters by adding a backslash () before the character (including a backslash or double quote).
  • boolean: one of: truefalse
  • number: decimal value
  • object: (see previous section)
  • array: [value] where value may be of any other type, but in the most common cases will be either another array (for multi-dimensional arrays) or a list of one or more Strings separated by commas.

Key Data[edit | edit source]

NameType/SubtypeDefault Value
(blank if required)
Descriptionexample recipes
namestringRecipe identifier'name': 'compactmachines3:zombieegg'
target-itemstringResult item id. Sometimes specified as 'target-block'.'target-item': 'minecraft:spawn_egg'
target-countnumber1Number of items/blocks produced'target-count': 1
target-metanumber0Metadata value for the recipe result (sometimes referred to as damage value) used to differentiate between discrete items sharing the same identifier.'target-meta': 0
target-nbtstring'NBT tags to apply to the result of the crafting recipe. See these articles on the Minecraft Wiki for more details:
  • Chunk format || 'target-nbt': '{EntityTag:{id:'minecraft:zombie'}}'
symmetricalbooleanfalseSpecifies whether recipes may be mirrored along horizontal directions when being constructed.'symmetrical': true
catalyststringThe item thrown in to the miniaturization field to begin the crafting process. Additional fields further specifying item details may be used.'catalyst': 'minecraft:spider_eye'
catalyst-metanumber0Metadata value for the catalyst item to be thrown into the miniaturization field (sometimes referred to as damage value) often used to differentiate between discrete items sharing the same identifier.'catalyst-meta': 0
catalyst-nbtstring'NBT tags required for the catalyst item. If not provided, any tags applied to the item are ignored. Common uses for this would be to require the item to have a certain custom name, enchant, or entity tag.'catalyst-nbt': '{EntityTag:{id:'minecraft:zombie'}}'
durationnumberunknown defaultNumber of ticks for the miniaturization animation, and the crafting process, to run before it completes.'duration': 300

Special Format Objects[edit | edit source]

Special KeySubKeyTypeDescriptionExample
input-typesCompound Objectseries of Object Keys identifying blocks used in the Multiblock portion of the recipe.'input-types': {
'a': { 'id': 'thermaldynamics:duct_0', 'meta': 0 },
'b': { 'id': 'minecraft:chest', 'meta': 0, 'ignore-meta': true }
input-typesidStringBlock Id'a': { 'id': 'thermaldynamics:duct_0' }
default: 0
Metadata/damage value identifying block subtype.'meta': 0
default: false
Sets whether to ignore Metadata/damage value on this block.'ignore-meta': true
default: false
Sets whether to ignore NBT tags on this block.'ignore-nbt': true
input-nbtCompound ObjectList of NBT Tags (used as a subtype) required for blocks in the recipe.
Usually indicated with a letter, colon, letter sequence for the key name if being used for the recipe.
The key names are used in the shape value to represent the combination of input-types and input-nbt.
'input-nbt': {
'a:A': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[2,0,0,2,0,2]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:B': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[0,0,2,2,0,0]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:C': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[2,0,2,0,0,2]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:D': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[2,2,0,0,0,0]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:E': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[0,2,0,2,0,2]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:F': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[0,2,2,0,0,2]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:G': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[0,0,0,0,2,2]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'b:A': { 'nbt': '{Items:[],id:'minecraft:chest',Lock:'}' },
'a:H': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[2,0,0,2,2,0]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:I': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[2,0,2,0,2,0]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:J': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[0,2,0,2,2,0]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' },
'a:K': { 'nbt': '{'cm3_extra:ThermalDynamicsGrid':{Connections:[0,2,2,0,2,0]},id:'thermaldynamics:duct_energy_basic'}' }
shapeArray String Dimension 3Array Structure:
  1. First left bracket [ indicates the beginning of the shape array value representing the Multiblock, last right bracket ] indicates end of value.
  2. Second level of nested array elements indicates vertical layers, beginning from the top and progressing downward.
  3. Third level of nested array elements indicates rows of each vertical layer of the Multiblock.
  4. Each column of each individual row of each layer of the Multiblock is represented as a String in the deepest level of the array.

Array Element Values:
String taking one of three formats:

  1. 'l', Basic block type Key Name for slot in Multiblock
  2. 'l:U', NBT-included block type Key Name for slot in Multiblock
  3. '_', Blank space for slot in Multiblock
'shape': [
[ [ 'a:A', 'a:G', 'a:H' ], [ 'a:B', '_', 'a:B' ], [ 'a:C', 'a:G', 'a:I' ] ],
[ [ 'a:D', '_', 'a:D' ], [ '_', 'b:A', '_' ], [ 'a:D', '_', 'a:D' ] ],
[ [ 'a:E', 'a:G', 'a:J' ], [ 'a:B', '_', 'a:B' ], [ 'a:F', 'a:G', 'a:K' ] ]

v·d·eCompact Machines

  • Compact Machine Wall

  • Miniaturization Field Projector

  • Personal Shrinking Device

  • Tunnel

  • Redstone Tunnel
  • Compact Machines Recipe Reference
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More gentle than a pulverizer.

A compactor is a machine that applies pressure to itemsto change their form.


A placed compactor can be instantly picked up by dismantling it with awrench. Its configuration is preserved in the item. It canalso be mined using a pickaxe, thoughthis can be much slower.


IngredientsCrafting recipe
Machine Frame +
Redstone Reception Coil +
Copper Gear +
Bronze Ingot +


A compactor is initially at the lowest tier (basic). It can beupgraded to higher tiers using upgrade kits andconversion kits.



When placed, a compactor faces the player. It can face any of the four cardinaldirections, and can be rotated using a wrench.


When items are placed in a compactor’s input slot, the machine will startconsuming Redstone Flux to process them. Every itemrequires a certain amount of energy to process. When enough energy has beenconsumed for an item, the input is consumed and the output is placed in theoutput slot.

The speed at which a compactor processes items depends on how much energy it canuse per tick. This in turn depends on how much power is being supplied, and onthe machine’s maximum power usage. A basic compactor has a maximum power usageof 20 RF/t. This can be increased by upgrading the machine to a highertier, and by installing certain augments.

Input and output

Items can enter and exit a compactor through its sides. Every side of acompactor may correspond to its input slot, its output slot, or both at the sametime.

A compactor can automatically transfer items out of any sides that directlycorrespond to its output slot. This is called auto-output. It can also transferitems from adjacent inventories into any sides that directly correspond to itsinput slot. This is called auto-input. Auto-output and auto-input occur wheneverthe machine finishes processing an item, or every 32 ticks (1.6 seconds) if themachine is inactive.

A basic compactor can automatically transfer up to 16 items at a time. Thisamount can be increased by upgrading the machine to a higher tier.

Which sides correspond to which slots and whether auto-output and auto-input areenabled can be configured using the Configuration tab in the machine’s GUI.

Redstone control

A compactor may be configured to respond toredstone signals. It can be in oneof three modes:

Redstone control is disabled. The compactor works whenever possible. This isthe default mode.
The compactor works when not powered. When powered, it stops working.
The compactor only works when powered.

The current mode can be set using the Redstone Control tab in the machine’s GUI.


A compactor can have a signalum security lockinstalled to restrict who can access it.


A compactor’s configuration can be saved on a redprint to becopied to other compactors.


Compactors come in five tiers.

TierMax. power usageAugment slotsMax. items per auto-transfer
Basic20 RF/t016
Hardened30 RF/t116
Reinforced40 RF/t228
Signalum50 RF/t344
Resonant60 RF/t464


A compactor can have augments installed to improve certainproperties or to change how it works. The amount of augments that can beinstalled depends on the machine’s tier. A basic compactor cannot beaugmented.

Augments can be installed in the Augmentation tab in a compactor’s GUI.

AugmentInstallable inDescription
Auxiliary Reception Coil Any machine Increases a machine's maximum power usage (speed). However, also increases the amount of energy required per operation. Can be installed multiple times.
Numismatic PressCompactor A specialization that allows for a compactor to produce metal coins instead of plates.
Gearworking DieCompactor A specialization that allows for a compactor to produce gears instead of plates.


Result(s)IngredientsEnergyCompactor recipe
Metal Plate
Any Metal Ingot
4,000 RF
Fluxed Electrum Plate
Fluxed Electrum Ingot
4,000 RF
Blaze Rod
Blaze Powder
4,000 RF
Blizz Rod
Blizz Powder
4,000 RF
Blitz Rod
Blitz Powder
4,000 RF
Basalz Rod
Basalz Powder
4,000 RF
Thermal Expansion (Minecraft 1.12)
MachinesRedstone FurnacePulverizerSawmillInduction SmelterPhytogenic Insolator Compactor Magma CrucibleFractionating StillFluid TransposerEnergetic InfuserCentrifugal SeparatorSequential FabricatorAlchemical ImbuerArcane EnsorcellatorGlacial PrecipitatorIgneous Extruder
DevicesAqueous AccumulatorNullifierThermal MediatorArboreal ExtractorAquatic EntanglerItem AllocatorFluid AllocatorLexical TransmuterInsightful CondenserDecoctive DiffuserFactorizerCreature EncaptulatorVacuumulator
DynamosSteam DynamoMagmatic DynamoCompression DynamoReactant DynamoEnervation DynamoNumismatic Dynamo
StorageEnergy CellFlux CapacitorPortable TankReservoirCacheStrongboxSatchel
MachineAuxiliary Reception CoilAuxiliary SieveNullification ChamberTrivection ChamberFlux AnodizersPyrolytic ConversionTectonic InitiatorResin FunnelMetallurgical RecoveryPyro-ConcentratorNutrient RecoverySapling InfuserMonoculture CycleNumismatic PressGearworking DiePyroconvective LoopReflux ColumnAlchemical RetortFlux Linkage ConcentratorFlux ReconstructionParabolic Flux CouplingEnstabulation ApparatusPattern ValidationFluidic FabricationReagent RecoveryPyroclastic InjectionClastic Deposition
DynamoAuxiliary Transmission CoilFuel CatalyzerTransmission Coil DuctingExcitation Field LimiterBoiler ConversionTurbine ConversionIsentropic ReservoirClosed-Loop CoolingIgnition PlugsAgitative ManifoldElemental CatalyzerDisjunctive ExtractionLapidary Calibration
OtherCoolantsFlorb (Magmatic) Morb (Reusable)